Java Image Filters 是由 Jhlabs 开发的一组用来处理 Java 图像的类库,提供各种常用的图像处理效果,例如反转色、扭曲、水波纹、凹凸、黑白效果等等数十种效果,如下图所示,更多的效果请看其网站首页:
- ChannelMixFilter - Mixes the RGB channels
- ContrastFilter - Adjusts brightness and contrast
- CurvesFilter - Apply adjustment curves to an image
- DiffusionFilter - Error-diffusion dithering
- DitherFilter - Ordered dithering
- ExposureFilter - Change the exposure of an image
- GainFilter - Adjusts gain and bias
- GammaFilter - Adjusts image gamma
- GrayFilter - Grays out an image
- GrayscaleFilter - Converts to grayscale
- HSBAdjustFilter - Adjusts hue, saturation and brightness
- InvertAlphaFilter - Inverts the alpha channel
- InvertFilter - Inverts image colors
- LevelsFilter - Adjust image levels
- LookupFilter - Change image colors with a lookup table
- MapColorsFilter - Replace a color
- MaskFilter - Channel masking
- PosterizeFilter - Posterization
- QuantizeFilter - Quantize an image to 256 colors for, say, GIF export
- RescaleFilter - Multiplies colors by a scaling factor
- RGBAdjustFilter - Adjusts red, green and blue levels
- SolarizeFilter - Solarization
- ThresholdFilter - Thresholding
- TritoneFilter - Create a tri-tone image